Your Ultimate Working Arms in Logistics Solution!

ARM-G Logistics is dedicated to provide the innovative logistics solutions in the industry; creating simple yet efficient supply-chain solutions that consistently create value and improve service levels…

ARM-G Air & Sea Logistics, Inc

(Originally standing for the first letter of the names of Gujilde family members). The company was established march 13, 2008 by Mr. and Mrs. Angelino Gujilde, the humble couple and businessman from Palawan,Philippines, who started their business in finishing and trucking.

Corporate Objective

We value our customers’ business needs. With ARM-G, we guarantee on time delivery, efficient and tailor-made services…

Logistics Solutions

ARM-G Logistics Inc. is well experienced and highly equipped to support customers through the entire operation process…

  • AGC Annual Budgeting and Strategic Planning for year 2023

    November 22 2022

       The changes that have been triggered since the beginning of the pandemic are bound to pave a new way for AGC. There are plentiful hurdles to overcome, but then there are solutions too and

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