ARM-G Earthquake Relief Operations in Bohol
When we do nothing, we feel overwhelmed and defenceless. But when we get involved, we feel the sense of belongingness, hope and success that comes from knowing we are all working to make things better!
ARM-G International Logistics Inc. Cebu Branch in hand with its Head Quarter ARM-G Manila made its remarkable “ OPLAN BANGON BOHOL; A Relief Goods Distribution “ for the earthquake victims in Panggangan, Calape, Bohol last October 20, 2013. The unplanned activity became an on the spot news broadcast covered by ABS-CBN Manila which was aired in TV Patrol and ANC. It was a heart warming event seeing countless smiles and happy tears from people after receiving some goods. With the Energetic Gujelde Family who lead the Operations in cooperation with our Cebu and Manila Personnel it was a mix emotion event we cannot forget.
Being generous isn’t even always about altruism nor selflessness, its more about self satisfaction that even for awhile you’d given a SMILE.
By: RLI Chief Operating Officer